We lost a good friend today. One of those friends that we haven't actually seen for months - in fact I can't recall when we last saw him. Nevertheless, he was a good friend - one of those that you pick up where you left off. We've known him about the same time we've known each other. We all got married within a few years of each other, had kids within a few years of each other, even lived within five minutes walk from each other for years.
As our lives diverged, we saw each other less and less, but with others we determined that we would meet up at least once a year, and thus our lives have been for the last few years. We celebrated each others triumphs, breezed over all but the worst of our disasters, and laughed over fabulous memories that were brought out at each meeting, dusted off and enjoyed once again - such as one from the very early days, pre kids. Playing trivial pursuits - girls vs boys - we (the girls) were winning hands down. One of the men 'went to the toilet' and was caught by his then girlfriend, now wife. Her voice floated down to us 'this isn't phone a friend!' as he was desperately calling a mate for the answer. The other bloke - the one now missing - had already picked up a guitar and was strumming it lazily in the corner - when pushed to answer a question he looked up, smirked and replied 'Don't ask me, I'm Australian!'
Not necessarily a funny story if you weren't there, but hilarious to those involved.
Such friendships - where you pick up where you'd left off months before with no acrimoney and lots of love - are things to be treasured. Relationships full of love and laughter, memories grown fonder with time and shared experiences of jobs, marriage, kids and life.
Now we are one down. Suddenly, but not totally unexpected. He'd been fighting cancer for most of the time we'd known him. In fact, in the very early days - a year or so after meeting - was when we first visited him in hospital and, seeing the sign above his head, was when we first realised that he had another name other than 'Skippy' (he was Australian and had chosen the nickname himself!)
He was a great character - sparky, feisty, funny and strong. Had an opinion on most things and tough if you didn't agree. Cared passionately about his family and friends, was determined that they would live life to the full.
So, Skippy, we shall miss you, and honour you, and you will never be forgotten. I'm everso glad that we knew you, had the joy of you in our lives and know that you live on in the legacy of your beautiful children.
Bless you
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