Monday, 20 January 2014

Highs and lows

There are so many things to be grateful for, and sometimes things are especially highlighted when your life is held in stark relief to others.

We met up with friends that we've known for about 15 years, something we try to do at least once or twice a year.  Normally it's 3 couples with children, and another older couple.  The men from the couples, and the older lady all used to work together (I was there too!) at a industry publishing house in London, and formed strong friendships that have lasted ever since.

Yesterday though, we were down a family.  One of our number has been battling cancer, and is now recovering from his 3rd round of treatment, which has left him battered and completely exhausted and withdrawn.  The rest of us have had trouble contacting them - it's not in his nature to share, and doesn't want people to feel sorry for him.  We could only speculate as to how bad things were (we think they are pretty bad), and raised a glass to toast them in their absence.

So, looking at the GD family, I'm so glad we're happy, healthy, have each other and lots of really good friends.  We're very lucky.

And, yesterday we celebrated our friendships with our other good friends, over a fantastic roast, with good wine and lots of laughs.  Highs and lows . . .

And then, this morning was stunningly beautiful.  As I sat in the car whilst it defrosted, watching oncoming car lights sparkling on the frosted windwcreen, I was delighted with the beauty.  Driving around later, with the misty sun, and the slighty hazyness through the frost covered trees, I just felt so very happy.  After the stark reminder from yesterday, simple beauty is enough to make me smile today.  Just wish I'd been able to take some photos, but alas, school runs and forgotten bags, leading to another school run had me all of a dither!

There will be more frosty mornings though and I'll attempt to capture their beauty one day.

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