Thursday, 23 January 2014

Sausage Rolls and Extreme Reading

No sooner do I settle into the routine of daily blogging, than I fall off the wagon so to speak!

Yesterday I was gripped with excitement over a new creative project I wanted to try, having bought some new crochet patterns for beautiful things.  I had to go out and get the wool and a new crochet needle to have a go, so duly headed out straight after dropping the kids off at school.

Once parked up, I headed to the shops and passed a homeless chap in the stairwell of the multi-story carpark.  I didn't want to give him cash, so made a mental not to grab him some food and drink on my way back from shopping.

Errands completed, I went into a bakery on the way back to my car, and picked up a large tea, and a couple of hot sausage rolls.  When I got to where the man was, I knelt down and handed over the tea, with some sugar sachets - which he was very grateful for, and the sausage rolls - which he refused!  Apparently he doesn't eat them because you can't be sure which part of the animal the meat came from 'Eyeballs and arseholes' was his delightful phrase.

I left them with him though, saying that he could give them to someone else, while at least keeping his hands warm on a chilly morning.

Is it wrong of me to feel a little affronted that my kind deed was rebuffed?  Part of me thinks I'm wrong to feel that a homeless person shouldn't have the right to chose what they prefer, which fights with the other part of me that wonders how, when you don't know where your next meal is coming from, you can be so picky when receiving free food.

Anyway, pondering these deep questions, I got home, looked at the housework that needed doing and promptly decided to ignore it and settled down to some hooking!  6 hours later, it seems that I've wandered off pattern, or gone wrong somehow, so 6 hours of work will need unpicking and another go shall be made over the next few days.

So, where was the gratefulness for yesterday?  I'm not homeless and begging, or in a situation where I need to feel that sitting in carpark stairwells is my best option for improving my life.  I have a warm house, loving husband and fantastic kids.  And, I'm able to devote a huge chunk of my time to a hobby which might earn me a few pennies here and there!

Also, hubby had a good day at work, the kids had a good day at school and life felt good enough to crack open a delicious bottle of red to share (with hubby, not the kids!), but that bottle of red was one of the reasons for not writing anything yesterday.

And, last thing.  I've been a voracious reader ever since I can recall.  If the book is good, I can't put it down but can read most books within a day.  So, the rest of my life would be put on hold while I travelled other lands, and had amazing adventures in the pages of my latest book.  After the kids, I found that I couldn't devote the time I needed to the books, and so for the last 8 years or so have read far less than I liked, although I'm getting back into the swing of things now.

My son, who's 8, hated reading until he had just turned 7.  Now, he reads as voraciously as I used to - but that can lead to a few interesting moments.  Such as my hubby finding the boy wonder lying on the floor of the bathroom at 3:30 am this morning, engrossed in his latest book!!  LOVE that his reading appetite is so huge, exasperated as he's so exhausted this morning he's going to struggle to focus, and he has after-school sports this afternoon which is going to wipe him out.

Must go and catch up on the housework before doing some soul-destroying unpicking of 6 hours of work . . .

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